LLL088 Julie Persons: The Happiness Factor

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Julie and I chat about unschooling, living vicariously through Facebook, and living a life of happiness. We talk about living in Maine, and rural life. Julie tells how her art projects Chicks in Hats and The Adventures of Claudia started, and she dishes about etsy. Julie encourages you to find your path. And she answers 10 questions.

Julie Persons

Julie lives in rural Maine with her husband, her two free-range children, her dog, cat and pet chickens. Her passion for photography developed at age 11 when she received her first camera, and she’s been taking photographs for over 30 years.
Julie’s art is a juxtaposition of the quirky and the mundane; she combines these elements in her photo series titled Chicks in Hats, where she crafts miniature hats and puts them on her pet chicks to be photographed. She is also currently working on The Adventures of Claudia; a photography project following the adventures of a small antique porcelain doll. Julie finds inspiration in the smallest of details and can often be found on the ground taking photographs of tiny plants and creatures.

The 411: Julie Persons