LLL030 @AmyPorterfield: Important Nerd Stuff

Amy Porterfield photo by Lanna Lee Maheux
Amy Porterfield photo by Lanna Lee Maheux

Amy Porterfield photo by Lanna Lee Maheux

In a busy hallway at the Portland Regency Hotel, Amy and Lanna Nerd out about success, being your own boss, family life, and life lessons. Amy tells Lanna about her days of working with Tony Robbins. Lanna explains the Underpants Gnomes to Amy and tells people to be quiet. Have you ever considered a mentorship program? Amy talks about her experiences in Mastermind groups and using coaches and mentors. And she answers 10 questions.

Amy Porterfield

Amy is the co-author of Facebook Marketing All-In-One for Dummies and a Social Media Strategist for entrepreneurs and small businesses. With 12+ years marketing experience, Amy has worked with mega brands like Harley-Davidson Motorcycles, along with Tony Robbins International where she oversaw his content marketing team and collaborated on multiple online marketing campaigns. She currently creates online programs to teach entrepreneurs and small businesses how to leverage social media to gain greater exposure, attract quality leads and turn their fans and followers into loyal customers who are eager to do business with you again and again. You can find out more about her at http://www.amyporterfield.com.

The 411: Amy Porterfield

LLL028 @ChrisBrogan Is A Liar

Chris Brogan photo by Lanna Lee Maheux
Chris Brogan photo by Lanna Lee Maheux

Chris Brogan photo by Lanna Lee Maheux

Is Chris Brogan mainstream? Join Chris and Lanna as they talk about comic books, podcasting, and how creative people don’t do anything. Chris turns the tables on Lanna and asks her a couple of things. Chris tells his birth story. And he answers 10 questions.

Chris Brogan

Chris Brogan is CEO & President of Human Business Works, a business design company using publishing and media to provide tools and smarts to help professionals work better, do the work they want, and to be brave. He is the New York Times bestselling co-author of The Impact Equation. He also plays in the band, D3one3, with Jacqueline Carly.

Chris is a New York Times Bestselling author of books like The Impact Equation and Trust Agents (cowritten with Julien Smith), Social Media 101, and Google Plus for Business.

Chris is also the cofounder of the PodCamp new media conference series, exploring the use of new media community tools to extend and build value.

The 411: Chris Brogan

Lounging With LannaLee Features Best-Selling Author and Invite-Only Catered Salon

Jeff Parsons photo by Lanna Lee Maheux

For Immediate Release:

Lounging With LannaLee Features Best-Selling Author and Invite-Only Catered Salon

In the coming weeks, Lounging with LannaLee will feature exciting guests and content. Lounging with LannaLee, adventures in conversation, is a weekly digital salon and podcast hosted by Lanna Lee Maheux and features a new guest every week. Upcoming guests include WJBQ Q97.9 personality Jeff Parsons, New York Times best-selling author Chris Brogan, Author and Social Media Strategist Amy Porterfield, Entrepreneur and podcaster Elijiah R. Young, and Writer/Journalist Jeff Bouley. On Thursday, September 27th, Cabot Creamery’s Consumer Lifestyle Commentator & Favorite Foodie Candace Karu will host a dinner party/Salon with delicious food and scintillating conversation; this episode will premiere on October 4th, 2012.

Along with Candace and Lanna Lee, the Lounging with LannaLee Salon will include notable guests: WPOR 101.9 Morning Show Personality Rachel Flehinger, Artist/Graphic Designer/Ad Man/Marketer Greg Daly, Photograher Keith Luke, Writer/Producer Alex Steed. The guests will discuss “The Life of the Creative.” Gift bags will be generously provided courtesy of Allie Munier from the popular blog Broke207.

Jeff Parsons photo by Lanna Lee Maheux

Jeff Parsons photo by Lanna Lee Maheux

Chris Brogan photo by Lanna Lee Maheux

Chris Brogan photo by Lanna Lee Maheux

Amy Porterfield photo by Lanna Lee Maheux

Amy Porterfield photo by Lanna Lee Maheux

Elijiah R. Young photo by Lanna Lee Maheux

Elijiah R. Young photo by Lanna Lee Maheux

Jeff Bouley photo by Lanna Lee Maheux

Jeff Bouley photo by Lanna Lee Maheux

Episode Schedule – Thursdays

  • September 20, 2012: Jeff Parsons
  • September 27, 2012: Chris Brogan
  • October 04, 2012: Lounge Salon
  • October 11, 2012: Amy Porterfield
  • October 18, 2012: Elijah R. Young
  • October 25, 2012: Jeff Bouley

For more Information:
Lanna Lee Maheux
207 450-7831

This is my first press release. Please be gentle.
Please support my indiegogo campaign to fund my trip to Kansas for the #140conf SmallTown: Exploring the State of NOW in Small Towns conference.