#011b Erin Dow & Chrystie Corns: The County [@eatswell & @ccmaine]

Erin and Chrystie lounged with LannaLee and got a couch!

Erin and Chrystie lounged with LannaLee and got a couch!Erin, Chrystie and Lanna talk about divorce, The County, Acadian culture and food, Erin’s stint onFoodComa.tv, and how everybody knows Cam. Chrystie and Erin talk about being stay at home Moms and lessons learned while harvesting potatoes. And they answer 10 questions.

Chrystie Corns

Her Twitter Bio says Chrystie Corns is a TLC Extreme Couponer, PR Friendly Blogger, Tattooed Digital Maven & Loves Margaritas 🙂 She has also gained renown as the Bachelorette Ashley Hebert’s sister. Chrystie Corns has lived in Maine, Ohio, Cape Cod, Hawaii and now back in Maine. She’s been a stay at home mom, a workaholic mom and now finds herself somewhere in between.

Erin Dow

Erin Dow is the mother of three children, ages 11, 10, and 6 and is the Expert Chef for Guiding Stars, a nutritional navigation system that evaluates the healthfulness of foods based on nutrient density. She consults with school nutrition programs on healthy kid-approved recipe and menu development with a focus on scratch cooked foods. Her career as a chef spans fifteen years.

The 411: Chrystie Corns

Here is where you can find Chrystie online.

The 411: Erin Dow

Here is where you can find Erin online.

Want to listen to part 1? It’s right over here.

[Recorded 05/12/2012]