LLL031 Elijah Young: Business Improv @elijahryoung

Elijah lounged with LannaLee and got a couch!

Elijah lounged with LannaLee and got a couch!

In a hotel room in Portland’s Old Port, Elijah and Lanna talk about the Science of Business, football and social experiments. Elijah talks about his time at a Pro Wrestling Training School and Lanna suggests a staged match at the next conference he speaks at. Lanna loses her train while Elijah explains business in a way a performer can understand it: Business Improv. Lanna asks if Elijah is performing a social experiment on her. Elijah tells how he went from a Book guy to a college football (and Ohio State Univerisity) enthusiast. And he answers 10 questions.

Elijah Young

In the span of 12 months Elijah went from knowing nothing about apps to completing over 100 mobile, social, and web application projects for clients spread over 5 continents. Elijah then started a podcast discussing the world of building a successful mobile app, which netted over 2500 subscribers in its first 5 episodes, and is downloaded in over 52 countries.

Elijah is the Co-Founder of Fandura, Inc., a mobile development firm in Atlanta, GA, runs WhoMakesApps.com, an online educational magazine for developers and non-coders alike, and hosts The Business of Apps Podcast, an hour-long show featuring some of the best minds in Application Development, along with tough, in-depth reviews of mobile, social, web apps, and games.

The 411: Elijah Young

  • Fandura
  • LinkedIn: Elijah Young
  • Twitter: @ElijahRYoung
    • [Recorded 09/15/2012]

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