LLL080 Alex Steed: Showing the Reality

Alex Steed
Alex lounged with LannaLee and got a couch!

Alex lounged with LannaLee and got a couch!

For our 80th episode, I talk again with Alex Steed, Lounging with LannaLee’s first guest. Alex asks us to be honest with ourselves. We chat about movies, FoodComaTV, the Knack Factory and showing the reality. Alex illustrates his geekiness. I confess my love of Stephen King, we discuss The Shining movie vs. The Shining Book, and we agree about Stanely Kubrick. Alex talks about blurring lines, and we DON’T reference Robin Thicke (I can’t believe we missed THAT one!) Alex documents real life, wants to avoid self-imposed restrictions, and likens FoodComaTV to a “Traveling Punk Rock Band.” And he answers 10 questions.

Alex Steed

Alex is a partner and oversees project execution and day-to-day agency operations at Knack Factory, a content and strategy firm based in Portland, Maine. Having worked with Change.org, NetSquared, and a number of organizations and businesses, he brings 8 years of experience creating web-based community outreach strategies to the table. He also blogs about politics and culture for The Bangor Daily News.

Alex first lounged with LannaLee in LLL001 @AlexSteed in the Lead published on March 1st, 2012.

The 411: Alex Steed

LLL028 @ChrisBrogan Is A Liar

Chris Brogan photo by Lanna Lee Maheux
Chris Brogan photo by Lanna Lee Maheux

Chris Brogan photo by Lanna Lee Maheux

Is Chris Brogan mainstream? Join Chris and Lanna as they talk about comic books, podcasting, and how creative people don’t do anything. Chris turns the tables on Lanna and asks her a couple of things. Chris tells his birth story. And he answers 10 questions.

Chris Brogan

Chris Brogan is CEO & President of Human Business Works, a business design company using publishing and media to provide tools and smarts to help professionals work better, do the work they want, and to be brave. He is the New York Times bestselling co-author of The Impact Equation. He also plays in the band, D3one3, with Jacqueline Carly.

Chris is a New York Times Bestselling author of books like The Impact Equation and Trust Agents (cowritten with Julien Smith), Social Media 101, and Google Plus for Business.

Chris is also the cofounder of the PodCamp new media conference series, exploring the use of new media community tools to extend and build value.

The 411: Chris Brogan